

The Search users feature in Mitzu gives you powerful tools to filter and study how people use your website or application. You can organize users into groups based on their activity and analyze their behaviors more closely.

Key Features:

  1. User Search and Filtering: Quickly find users by specific criteria. This helps you sort through user data effectively.

  2. User Profiles: Access detailed information about each user, including their interaction history with your platform. This data is kept up-to-date automatically.

  3. Analytics: Understand user behaviors and trends to improve your strategies and user engagement.

  4. Cohort Analysis: Group users into cohorts and use these groups in reports to dive deeper into specific behaviours.


To use the search users feature in Mitzu, you must have Users table set up in your data warehouse. This table stores the user information that Mitzu needs to work properly.

If you need to configure the users table in Mitzu, please check out our integration guide.

How to use the search users feature

The Search users feature enables you to perform 'free-text' searches on your user tables. Once it's set up, simply go to the Users page and type the values you're looking for into the search bar. You can enter multiple keywords, and the system will construct an SQL query to find every row where your keywords appear. By default, only the properties containing your keywords will be displayed. However, you can choose to view all properties by toggling the "Show all properties" button located at the top right corner of the page.

Example: finding users named John from London on monthly plans

Example: finding users with email domain from Chicago on individual plans

Last updated