Manage Members

You can invite your colleagues and business partners into your Mitzu organisation to share your insights or to let them analyse your company data.

Listing users

The already invited members are listed in a table having the following columns:

  • User email: the email address of the member, this is use to login into Mitzu

  • Login: it can be either 'basic authentication' or 'private SSO' if SSO is enabled and the member is expected to be authenticated by the configured identity provider

  • Role: the role of the member, it can be either 'member' or 'admin'. Only admin users can change the organisation settings, or invite other users.

  • Invited: elapsed time since the user has been invited

  • First login: elapsed time since the first login of the user

  • Last login: elapsed time since the last login of the user.

Invite new members

To invite new members to your organisation click on the 'Invite user' button. A modal will show up where you can enter a list of email addresses and the role to be assigned to the new members. Once the fields are filled out click on the 'Invite user' button in the modal to close it and to invite the new members. An invitation email will be sent to the configured new email addresses.

Up to 10 email addresses can be invited at once.

If SSO is enabled then you don't need to invite the users coming from the configured Identity Provider.

Note: Only Admins can invite new members.

Update a member

The role of a member can be changed. First select the member by checking its checkbox in the table row then click on the 'Manage' button. A modal will show up where the role of the member can be changed. Once the desired role is selected click on the 'Save' button.

The membership of the organisation owner (first user in the org) and your own role cannot be changed by you.

Note: Only Admins can update member roles. Admin roles can be updated by other Admins. At least one member must have an Admin role in the organisation.

Remove a member

A member can be removed from the organisation. First select the member by checking its checkbox in the table row then click on the 'Remove' button. A confirmation modal will show up and if you are sure to remove the user then click on the 'Delete' button.

The ownership of all saved insights and dashboards will be transferred to the organisation owner (first member in the organisation).

The organisation owner (first user in the org) and your own user cannot be removed by you.

When SSO is enabled then members authenticated by your Identity Provider can be removed but this won't prevent them to join again to your organisation on their next login.

Last updated