
Learn the basics of funnels

Mitzu's Funnels allows you to examine how end-users perform events in a series. Funnels calculate and display the number of users who convert from one event to another within a particular time window.

Use Cases

Imagine your product is a B2B messaging application. You might use Funnels to answer these questions:

  • What percent of users converted through my signup funnel within 7 days?

  • At what step of the signup funnel did most users drop off?

  • How did my A/B test impact conversions in the signup funnel?

  • How has the payment funnel conversion rate in the US changed over time?

  • How long does it take most users to complete my payment funnel?

  • What departments complete the payment funnel most often?

  • What flows do users take between opening an app and making a purchase?

  • Why did the successful users purchase?

  • What flows do users take that don’t lead to a purchase?

  • How do these two paths differ? What actions should I nudge towards or against?

  • What did the users that dropped-off do instead?

Quick Start

Building a report in Funnels takes just a few clicks, and results arrive in seconds. Let's build a simple report together. Continuing the B2B messaging example, imagine you wanted to answer the following question:

What marketing UTM Campaign medium drove the most signup conversions for users in the US

You can follow along with the next few steps and create your own report.

Step 1.

Events are the basic building block of a funnel report. In this case, imagine we know the signup flow contains three steps. Within the "Steps" section, add one event for each step in the following order: "Landing Page, Sign Up, Trial Started." At this point, your query should look like this:

Step 2: Choose Filters

Filters exclude unwanted data. In this case, we only care about events performed by users in the United States. Therefore, add a "User Country Code" filter, where the value equals "us". At this point, your query should look like this:

Step 3: Choose Breakdown

Breakdowns segment data into groups. In this case, we want to break our funnel down by marketing medium, tracked via the "Campaign" event property. Therefore, add a "Campaign" breakdown. At this point, your query should look like this:

Step 4: Change Visualization

Funnels features multiple visualizations to help you view the results of your query in the clearest chart type. By default, Funnels displays the Funnel Steps chart, which displays the percentage of users that converted to each subsequent step of the funnel. In this case, the Funnel Steps chart is the perfect visualization, since it will automatically display the UTM medium with the highest overall conversion rate.

All Features

Conversion Criteria

Conversion Window - Within

The Conversion Window determines how much time a user has to convert through all funnel steps after entering it.

By default, all customers have one week to complete a funnel from the timestamp they perform the Step 1 event. To adjust this conversion window, click Week in the conversion criteria. You will be able to adjust the scale. While clicking the number input next to it, you can adjust the multiplier.

To choose four days for the conversion criteria, type 4 into the number input and choose Day for the scale.


Warehouse native product analytics executes SQL queries on the customer's data lake or warehouse. If selected steps are high-frequency events while only a few users perform them, it is worth considering sampling. Selecting a sampling option may drastically improve query performance. For example, by choosing "Sample - One User Event Per Minute" we will only count a single event per minute per user. This is especially good if the users perform the same event multiple times per minute.

Custom Holding Constant

Holding a property constant in a funnel requires that a user retains the same value for a given event property for each step to convert. In other words, a user must not only perform the funnel events in the order you specified but also perform these events with the same property value.

For example, let's say your product is an e-commerce retail site, and you have a three-step funnel of Page visit > Add to Cart > Checkout. If you want to examine the conversion of users through this funnel that browse, add to cart, and purchase the same item - meaning that they cannot convert if they don't complete each step with the same item - you would hold the Item Name or Item ID property constant.

To add a holding property constant to your funnel, expand the "Advanced" menu and click on "Custom holding constant".

Custom Measures

Mitzu currently supports the following custom measures:

  • Average time to convert

  • Median time to convert

  • p75, p90, p95, p99, min, max - time to convert

With these custom measures, you can visualize how long it takes for the users to finish a funnel. You can also visualize trends for these measures.

Custom Property Aggregation

Custom property aggregations custom aggregation on the event properties of the last funnel step's event. With this aggregation type, it is very simple to measure, the value of conversions. Imagine you have "Page visit", and "Checkout" events. By having them in a two-step funnel, we can measure what is the total amount spent by users from certain page visits.

Last updated