User Property Catalog

The user property catalog helps you to track and to document the properties coming from all configured User tables.

The user properties are added and removed right after you add or remove an user table. The stored user properties in the catalog cannot be crated or removed manually.

Use cases

Maintaining the display name and the description fields of the user property records can help you to

  • map the technical abbreviations and raw property names to human readable labels

  • explain the meaning of an user property with a description

All features

Listing user properties in the catalog

The User properties tab on the catalog page will list the stored user properties in the catalog of the selected workspace.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Property name: This is the column name of the user property field in <source table>.<column name> format. Nested data structures (eg. struct, json) are represented in the <source table>.<column name>.<field key> format.

  • Display name: the user property will be referenced with this value on the explore page, charts, tooltips, etc...

  • Description: this value will be shown as a description on the explore page

  • Last discovered: the elapsed time since the user property was last time found while checking the user table for new properties

You can filter the table by using the free text search input filter. The list of the user property catalog table will be updated while you are typing.

To clear all filters click on the 'Reset filters' link.

Some workspaces may have a lot of user properties. Use the pagination to browser all of your events.

Updating display name, description

To change either the display name or the description of an user property catalog record just click into the input field and enter the desired value. The changes will be saved right after you stopped typing. Errors will be shown on the top of the page.

Last updated