Single sign-on
Users can use SSO to log in to Mitzu. For that, Mitzu first needs to be configured with the company SSO. You can configure the following SSO providers:
- AWS Cognito
- Google SSO
- Any OIDC (OpenID Connect) compatible authentication backend like Okta, OneLogin
AWS Cognito​
Create a new app client in AWS Cognito​
- Log in to Mitzu and navigate the 'Account settings' page. Once SSO is enabled, you can configure the details of the integration:
- Open the AWS Console and create a new app client to your AWS Cognito user pool with the following settings:
- Auth type: Confidential client
- Allowed callback URLs: copy the entire value of the Redirect URL input from the Mitzu SSO settings
- OAuth 2.0 grant types: Authorization code grant
- OpenID connect scopes: Email must be selected
Configure Mitzu with the Cognito app client​
- Configure the client settings on the Mitzu SSO page
- Client ID and Client Secret values can be found on the app client settings page
- Pool ID, AWS Region, and AWS Cognito signing domain can be found on the user pool settings page
- Click save
Google SSO​
Create a new app client in Google​
Log in to Mitzu and navigate the 'Account settings' page. Once SSO is enabled, you can configure the details of the integration:
Open the Google Cloud Console and create a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID (on the APIs & Services -> Credentials page) with the following settings:
- Application type: Web application
- Authorized redirect URIs: copy the entire value of the Redirect URL input from the Mitzu SSO settings
Configure Mitzu with the Cognito app client​
- Configure the client settings on the Mitzu SSO page
- Client ID and Client Secret values can be found on the app client settings page
- Project ID can be found on the Cloud Overview -> Dashboard page in the project info box
- Click save
Create a new app client in your Identity Provider​
- Log in to Mitzu and navigate the 'Account settings' page. Once SSO is enabled, you can configure the details of the integration:
- Open the web console of your Identity Provider and create a new client application with the following settings:
- Application type: Web Application
- Grant type: Authorization Code
- Sign-in redirect URIs: copy the entire value of the Redirect URL input from the Mitzu SSO settings
- Sign-out redirect URIs: copy the entire value of the Home URL and append `/auth/unauthorized'
- to initiate the login from the Identity Provider side, redirect the users to the Home URL appended '/auth/redirect-to-login'
- Client authentication: client secret
Configure Mitzu with the Cognito app client​
- Configure the client settings on the Mitzu SSO page
- Client ID and Client Secret values can
- Authorize endpoint, token endpoint, and JWKS URI can be configured manually or set the
URL and click on the Fetch OIDC Settings button. It will fetch the configuration and fill out these fields.
- Click save
Verify login flow
In a different browser (or in an incognito window) verify the login flow. If it is not working as expected then please supervise your settings or contact Mitzu Support.