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Publishing and Sharing Dashboards

The Publishing and Sharing Dashboards feature allows you to make your dashboards publicly accessible and generate links or iframes to embed dashboards in external websites or applications. Below are the details on how to use these options.


Publishing options​

Share dashboard publicly​

The Share dashboard publicly option allows you to make your dashboard accessible to anyone with the link. Once you enable this option, your dashboard will be publicly accessible, and anyone with the link can view it.

Show global annotations​

The Show global annotations option allows you to include any global annotations you've added to your insights when sharing the dashboard publicly. When this option is enabled, viewers of the public dashboard will be able to see the additional context or notes provided through globalannotations.

This is a direct link that allows the dashboard to be embedded in other applications or websites. You can copy the URL provided in the field labeled "Embeddable link".

Embedding the dashboard using an IFrame​

This option generates an HTML iFrame snippet, which can be used to embed the dashboard into an external webpage. The code snippet is available in the field labeled "iFrame".

Copy and paste the iframe code into the HTML of your website where you want the dashboard to appear.

You can also share a direct public link to the dashboard, which users can visit to view it in a browser. This link is available in the "Public dashboard link" field.

Anyone with this link will be able to view the dashboard without needing to log in or have special permissions.